
Everything You Need to Know about HVLS Ceiling Fans!

If you need to move a lot of air in your room, you can easily pick up a fan at any big-box store. However, there are fans that you cannot purchase in a typical retail store that may be much better suited to your needs. They are high-volume, low-speed fans, or HVLS fans. They can provide significantly more airflow while being a quieter and more efficient solution than more traditional fans.

Humidity. UGH! When combined with high temperatures, the high volume of moisture in the air makes people sweaty and unpleasant. However, humidity can sometimes trigger more serious issues. It can cause major safety concerns and havoc on your products, particularly perishable things that might rot or mould. The Fan Studio HVLS ceiling fans, on the other hand, can offer steady airflow over your items, decreasing the danger of spoiling and assisting with quality control.

Feeling & Breathing Comfortably

Keeping humidity low is essential for keeping your staff and customers comfortable because it has a big impact on how hot something feels. Fortunately, HVLS fans produce cool breezes that feel 4–7 degrees cooler to people. However, particularly when the air is stagnant, high humidity can also encourage the growth of bacteria, mould, mildew, and viruses. Some of these may have an adverse effect on allergy sufferers or even make people ill. By continuously redistributing air, HVLS fans lower humidity by preventing air from becoming saturated with moisture and from becoming stagnant.

Preventing Food Spoilage

Unfortunately, high humidity can promote the growth of mould and germs on food in warehouses and distribution centres. Microorganisms can grow in a variety of environments, but dampness promotes their growth and spread. Food tainted with mould or bacteria is an expensive waste for a business. And it's not only meat and produce that might be harmed; your dry foods and canned goods can, too. As you can see, moisture can cause food packaging to degrade. Paper can degrade, whereas metal can corrode, contaminating the food it is designed to protect.

Cool temperatures also aid in the slowing of the natural ripening factor ethylene in several fruits and vegetables. HVLS fans can assist in keeping cool air moving in cold storage, preventing warm patches and ensuring that all produce is evenly cooled.

Improving Operating Conditions

During the functioning of some facilities, substantial levels of moisture are produced. Breweries provide steamy conditions that benefit greatly from the use of HVLS fans to control humidity. Most warehouses and distribution centres include a lot of metal storage, tools, and equipment that can rust when condensation forms. Condensation might potentially pose a safety risk. Water on the floor, for example, provides slick conditions for workers. HVLS fans are an excellent method of reducing condensation.

Many establishments use water to clean their equipment. Unfortunately, you must then wait for the equipment to dry before using it again. When you utilise HVLS fans to manage humidity, you also shorten the drying process, which leads to increased production. We just installed HVLS fans at a custom countertop cutting factory with high-pressure water jets, which means there's water everywhere.

Controlling humidity is equally as critical as controlling temperature in any building. Maintaining proper humidity levels can help to avoid food rotting and preserve food packaging, as well as minimise the growth of infectious agents, increase productivity, and keep employees comfortable. The Fan Studio HVLS fans can be an important part of your humidity control system. For more information, please contact us right away.

How Does an HVLS Ceiling Fan Work?

The Fan Studio HVLS fans have larger blades and a more aerodynamic design that is inspired by helicopter rotors. Even at slower speeds, the profile of these blades allows more air to be moved. As a result, these HVLS fans produce a large column of air that gently pushes downward. When this air mass collides with the ground, it pushes outward. This circulates air throughout a large space, providing cooling for everyone in the space, not just those directly beneath.

How HVLS Fans Actually Cool You?

When you turn on a ceiling fan, you get a wind that blows directly down on your head and the tops of your arms, and you feel cooler, right? Step away just a few steps, and you're back in suffocating hot air. If this is your first experience with fans, you may look at massive HVLS fans and wonder, "Why would I spend so much money, time, and effort for such a small benefit?" High-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fans, on the other hand, perform considerably differently - and much more successfully.

What you should Consider when Purchasing an HVLS Fan?


Your geographical location might have a significant impact on your airflow requirements. In a hot, humid region, HVLS fans may be utilised to keep moisture at bay as well as to cool workers. In colder climates, fans may have a greater influence in the winter than in the summer. The Fan Studio HVLS ceiling fans have True Reverse capabilities, which means they can be run in reverse to trap warm air that rises to the ceiling and distribute it more evenly throughout the space. In a mild environment, HVLS fans may be able to eliminate the need for air conditioning entirely.

Building Planning

Aside from evaluating your local environment, you should examine the type of building you intend to construct. To begin, are you creating a new space or remodelling an existing one? In a retrofit, you'll need to consider the layout of the existing HVAC system (if there is one!) and where it falls short. By designing HVLS fans into new construction, you may be able to avoid or reduce the amount of expensive ductwork.

Space Planning

Then you'll want to look at more particular space requirements. For example, how big is your entire facility, and how big are any separate rooms that need to be considered? Are there any regions of your facility that suffer additional problems, such as direct sunshine on one side of the building, open dock doors, or lower ceilings? You should also consider existing columns or walls that could restrict airflow, as well as whether any current light fixtures need to be changed to prevent creating a strobe effect.

Goals, Controls & Design Needs

Those questions about your room should prompt you to consider how you want to control your HVLS fans as well. Do you want your staff to be able to adjust fans on their own, or do you want facilities managers to do it? Do you want to program settings in advance so that fans turn on and off automatically depending on the temperature or time of day? The Fan Studio HVLS fans can be used with individual controls.

Ready to Get Started?

So, before you rush out to get a fan from your local retailer, consider whether a standard fan will be sufficient. Consider whether it will create a breeze throughout the entire space. Will it cool a large crowd or only a few people right near or under the fan? Will it help you save money on your HVAC bills? Will it be too loud for your surroundings? Most likely, a luxury HVLS fan will be more beneficial to you.

Contact us today and a fan specialist will contact you to discuss your requirements, answer your concerns, and assist you with the planning process.

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